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Events and Productions: Welcome

This is an Arkansas Thespian Production!

Student Designers-send an email to  List your name, email, school, and experience.

We need a student set designer, costume designer, props designer, publicity designer, light designer, sound designer!

Student Managers and crew-send an email to  List your name, email, school, and experience.

We need a student stage manager, props manager, costume manager....are you the one we are looking for?




DEADLINE TO AUDITION is midnight Sunday Nov. 3,  2019.  Auditions will be held by video. 

Two ways-

1.You can use the app called Flipgrid to record your audition.  You can either download the app on your phone or

Password: Thespians

2. Email you video to  Subject line-Name and school


Sing 16 bars of any showtune with accompaniment showcasing your range.  Females - perform a comedic monologue twice, the first time as a young teenager and the second time as a controlling adult.  Males - perform a dramatic monologue.

Rehearsal Dates

This is a tentative schedule.  In order to audition for the production, you must be able to attend all tech rehearsals the week of show in Jonesboro, Arkansas.  Host homes will be provided for students who travel from different parts of the state.  BUT we are going to finalize the rehearsal schedule, once everyone has been cast and we can try to work around conflicts.

Saturday Nov. 9  9:00am - 4:00pm

Cast meeting, read through and Choreography - Valley View Fine Arts Center

Saturday Nov. 9 1:00-4:00pm Directors and designers -Production meeting

Sunday Nov. 10 1:00pm - 4:00pm Show reahearsal - Westside High School

Saturday Dec. 7 9:00am - 4:00pm Show Rehearsal - Westside High School

Saturday Dec. 14 9:00am - 4:00pm Show Rehearsal - Westside High School


Monday Dec. 30 9:00am - 4:00pm Show Rehearsal - Westside High School


Tuesday Dec. 31 9:00am - 4:00pm Show Rehearsal - Westside High School


Thurs. Jan. 2 9:00am - 4:00pm Show Rehearsal - Westside High School


Friday, Jan. 17 4:00pm - 9:00pm Tech Rehearsal - Westside High School


Saturday Jan. 18 9:00am - 4:00pm Tech Rehearsal - Westside High School


Sunday Jan. 19 1:00pm - 4:00pm Tech Rehearsal - Westside High School


Friday Jan. 24 ALL DAY Tech Rehearsal - Westside High School


Friday Jan. 24 7:00pm Show - Westside High School, Jonesboro


SaturdayJan. 25 7:00pm Show - Westside High School, Jonesboro

2 State Festival Productions TBA


Production Fee is $30 includes your t-shirt.

Today!!!! Today!!!! Today!!!!

Events and Productions: News & Updates
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